HRMC Foundation Highlights
September 01, 2016
Paul Rann
Executive Director
The Huron Regional Medical Center Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Huron Regional Medical Center. The goal of the HRMC Foundation is to ensure high-quality health care is always available close to home. Right here in Huron. The HRMC Foundation was created in 1995 to anticipate and meet the needs of the community throughout the changes in health care. Paul Rann, HRMC Foundation executive director, started at the HRMC Foundation in May 2013. Recently, we had an opportunity to interview Paul about the projects, events, goals and news from the HRMC Foundation.
Q: If there were only one thing you could tell area residents about the HRMC Foundation, what would it be?
Paul: The HRMC Foundation is planning for the future of health care for generations to come! The HRMC Foundation works to ensure the highest level of care is always available close to home through donations to the hospital from compassionate people who care about health care. We are working to ensure that you don’t have to leave Huron to get the best care from the best medical professionals using the best equipment in modern facilities. The Foundation’s purpose is to speed up the availability of programs and equipment in Huron.
Q: Describe the events that take place throughout the year.
Paul: The HRMC Foundation has two large events throughout the year. In the spring, we host and plan Papa Luigi. The Papa Luigi dinner helps to support scholarships, grants, projects and endowments. It depends on what is needed in the community that year. The second large event is the Humanitarian Golf Tournament, which is taking place September 10, 2016. This event helps to keep the Foundation working to fulfill its mission. We also have smaller events throughout the year. For instance, the Bob Myers Memorial Golf Tournament is hosted the first weekend of every June.
Q: Why do you enjoy what you do?
Paul: When discussing the HRMC Foundation with potential donors, I enjoy the moment when it all makes sense. Often times, I get questions about why the hospital needs money. When someone understands all of the challenges facing health care and why the HRMC Foundation is important to the community and enhancing health care for future generations, I take great pride in that moment.
Q: Who is involved in the Foundation?
Paul: The Board of Directors has 12 members. We strive to find a variety of members across the community in order to receive a variety of opinions. The board donates their time and energy to making our community a better place. We can’t thank them enough! The executive team of HRMC also works closely with the Foundation to ensure that our goals are aligning with those of the hospital.
Q: What is the biggest goal for the HRMC Foundation this year?
Paul: We are in the process of establishing and finding individuals to receive the Fund for the Future Scholarships. These are large gifts we are giving to students to help offset the cost of higher education within healthcare-related fields. The Board of Directors and I also want to grow the fund in order to continue the important work that the Fund for the Future is addressing.
Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of working at the HRMC Foundation?
Paul: The impact you have on people’s lives. Most of the time, they are unaware you have even been involved. Whether it’s making end of life care more bearable for families or helping to purchase infant warmers for babies to ensure they have a safe, warm welcome to the world. It’s a great feeling to help behind the scenes.
Q: How can individuals help the HRMC Foundation continue to grow?
Paul: Donations are always welcome whether in the form of cash, investments or a planned gift in someone’s estate. We are also looking for volunteers to help with events, serve on committees or even donate time on the Board of Directors. Contact the Foundation and we will find a way for you to get involved!
For more information about the HRMC Foundation or to visit Paul about ways to donate or volunteer, contact the Foundation today.
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