Put Your Best Foot Forward
July 15, 2024
Just in time for sandal season, podiatric surgeon Jordan Finck, DPM, brings his expertise in general podiatry to the HRMC Physicians Clinic. Addressing everything from arthritis to nerve problems to farm injuries, Dr. Finck is inspired by the opportunity to get his patients back on their feet. He also relishes being back in the state that is close to his heart.
“After living in multiple places around the country, I look forward to seeing my family on a routine basis,” Dr. Finck says. “South Dakota is home. There are no people like the people here.”
It’s sandal time! Keep your feet happy and healthy all season with these tips:
• Bare feet are risky. Wearing nonskid water shoes can prevent slips and falls at the pool and also limit potential problems such as athlete’s foot and warts.
• Ditch the strappy stilettos. High heels may look great with your summer party dress, but they can damage your feet. Stick with heels of 2 1/4 inches or below.
• Don’t forget the sunscreen. The tops of your feet and toes need sunscreen if you’re headed to the beach or pool.
• Dry your shoes. If your shoes get wet, let them dry fully before wearing again to prevent fungus.
• Support your soles. Wearing fl ip-fl ops or other fl at sandals for daily activities may lead to painful plantar fasciitis.
• Wear the right footwear for the occasion. Flip-fl ops may be great on the beach, but they’re not what you need to mow the lawn. Closed-toe, supportive shoes are best for hikes, sports and other activities off the water. Wearing the right shoes can help prevent falls and limit injuries, such as ankle sprains.
Jordan Finck, DPM, is our fi rst podiatric surgeon at HRMC Physicians Clinic. After graduating from Des Moines University College of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, he completed his residency
at Intermountain Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Madison native is eager to return to his home state and see patients.
“I will be treating everything from diabetic foot issues to acute injuries, such as fractures,” Dr. Finck says. “I also treat common foot ailments, including bunions, hammertoes, neuromas and plantar fasciitis. Constant foot pain is not normal, and you should talk to a specialist about any problems.”
Call HRMC Physicians Clinic at (605) 353-7660 or schedule online at www.huronregional.org/find-a-doc for an appointment with Dr. Finck.
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