We've Got You Covered
October 30, 2018

Paul Rann
Executive Director
Since 2012, the HRMC Foundation has been working diligently to help women in Huron and the surrounding communities receive the screenings they need for early detection of breast cancer. The We’ve Got You Covered program was started with the help of partners within the Huron community. Runnings Farm & Fleet kicked off the efforts by hosting their first Ladies’ Night in October 2012. That first event raised enough to provide education to the community.
Over the last four years, the program has truly picked up momentum. There are numerous partners that the HRMC Foundation works with including Runnings Farm & Fleet, Iverson Auto, Golfing for a Cause and the Huron High School volleyball team. Through the support of our generous partners and the community, the HRMC Foundation is now able to offer free mammograms each year to women in need. Over the next nine months, because of the tremendous support the program has garnered over the last three years, the HRMC Foundation is putting together research to determine how the We’ve Got You Covered program can assist more women and have an even greater impact, especially those with English as their second language.
Every single person can get involved in the work of the We’ve Got You Covered program by first starting a conversation with your family and friends. We all know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Make sure your family and friends are getting a mammogram and annual checkup. You can also help support education and awareness by attending events that support this fantastic cause.
The We’ve Got You Covered program is crucial to Huron and the surrounding communities. National data continues to show that women in our community need support with their breast health and the incidence of screenings is lower in Beadle County. That needs to change!
If you are between the age of 40 and 65, it is recommended that you get a mammogram every year. If you are not sure if your insurance will cover a mammogram, please call the team at Huron Regional Medical Center. They will check with your insurance company for you as many insurance programs cover the cost of a mammogram. If your insurance doesn’t cover a mammogram, there are multiple programs to cover your screening including the We’ve Got You Covered program.
Whether you are donating to the HRMC Foundation, attending a local event, talking to your loved ones and neighbors about getting a mammogram, or getting a mammogram yourself, thank you! We appreciate every partner and person in the community that participates, donates and communicates. We get to do this work because of you all. Thank you for helping to save lives!
For more information about the We've Got You Covered program, click here.
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