Why People Delay Surgery
January 28, 2022
Dr. Cy Haatvedt, general surgeon, HRMC Physicians Clinic
In my years of practice, I’ve worked with many people who delay elective surgical procedures and they have a variety of reasons. Most of them revolve around time or urgency:
“It just doesn’t seem bad enough right now.”
“I have this planned or that planned,” and you can fill in the blank as what this or that is. Things like weddings, or a trip or graduation of a family member. Or, perhaps a busy time or big project at work.
“I haven’t met my deductible.”
“I have met the deductible, and want to save up before I have pay any more out of pocket.”
People have all kinds of reasons for delaying. But, what’s really important to remember is that, apart from purely cosmetic surgery, there’s are very good reasons to take care of the problem.
Though these are elective procedures, they are still necessary – and it’s a good idea to get them done to avoid larger problems in the future.
Additionally, what might be just a nagging discomfort right now, could turn into an emergent of urgent problem
My best advice is to just take care of those nagging pains or concerns – enjoy life more and avoid issues. Start by talking with your primary care provider or one of the surgeons who provide quality care close to home. Visit www.huronregional.org/find-a-doc to find a physician or surgeon.
To hear more from Dr. Cy Haatvedt, listen to the WellOne Connection On-Air and watch his video below!
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