Free Workshop for Chronic Disease Self-Management
August 16, 2024
A free workshop series for individuals interested in self-management strategies for chronic disease will be offered in-person at the HRMC Physicians Clinic Conference Room every Tuesday from September 3 through October 8 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., according to Mickie Scheibe, community liaison at Huron Regional Medical Center (HRMC).
Scheibe, whose role at HRMC is to help patients bridge the gaps to accessing health care and important community services, is one of the lay leaders for Better Choices, Better Health-SD (BCBH-SD) and recently spoke about the program, “This workshop is free and great for anyone who is interested in learning more and taking an active role in managing chronic disease, which can include high-blood pressure, autoimmune disease, heart disease, breathing difficulties, chronic fatigue and many more issues people face,” says Scheibe. She continued, “It’s a great opportunity with no cost other than investing time in yourself and will be led by our community liaisons and other lay leaders from HRMC.”
In addition, HRMC was recently selected to partner with SDSU Extension on a pilot project for diabetes prevention and education through the BCBH-SD Diabetes Self-Management Program. The six week BCBH-SD Diabetes Self-Management series of workshops is set to begin October 15, and will focus on strategies for self-management of diabetes.
To access either workshop, individuals must register with BCBH-SD, which is a program of South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension. The free workshops are available to all South Dakota residents, including individuals living with disease, caregivers, and anyone who would like to gain more information on self-management disease, which can improve quality of life, manage symptoms and reduce health care costs.
For more information or to register for a workshop series, contact the HRMC community liaisons at 605-353-6516 or visit
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