HRMC and Employees Contribute $26,188.72 to United Way
January 21, 2025

From left: Levi Kary, HRMC Foundation executive director and UWHR board member, Lauren Marquardt, HRMC employee and UWHR board member, Jen Bragg, UWHR executive director, and Erick Larson, HRMC
The Huron Regional Medical Center (HRMC) board of directors recently voted to match employee contributions to donate a combined total of $26,188.72 to the 2025 United Way Heartland Region (UWHR) campaign.
“The United Way is the is at the heart of what it means to be part of a community,” said Erick Larson, HRMC president and CEO. “It brings us together for a common mission to uplift one another and bridge the gap between community needs and the volunteerism and charity of those we call neighbors and friends. We’re proud of the generosity of our team members and thankful for the commitment of our board to make such an impact.”
HRMC employees were invited to contribute during the hospital’s benefit fair in November and an employee-led committee hosted root beer floats and door prize drawings to encourage contributions. Pledges were collected through the month of November.
"The consistent support of HRMC and their employees is so important to our annual campaign. United Way funding helps bring the work of 40 programs to our region. The partnership that we have with HRMC is instrumental in getting that programming out to so many who need it and highlights their dedication to making our community stronger."
This year’s UWHR campaign goal is $278,000 and funds will help to continue the mission to improve lives and advance the common good by connecting community resources with needs in the Heartland Region. The UWHR pillars are to support education, health and financial stability for our communities. Community Initiative projects that are run by the United Way include the Heartland Region Backpack Program, Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Huron Youth Leadership Council, Hunger Games food drive, Slumberland's Homes for the Holidays bed giveaway, Born Learning Trail, Day of Caring, Day of Action, and the SD State Fair Pay It Forward program. Other supported programs include work done at the Hope House, the Beadle County Adult Nutrition and the Meals on Wheels program, People's Transit, the Jan Manolis Family Safe Center, HRMC's Hospice Program, and BelieveFest, just to name a few.
“There’s still time to make a contribution in support of the important resources UWHR provides to the community,” said Bragg. Interested donors can contact the United Way office at 605-352-3537 or donate online at
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