Is Sunscreen Safe?
June 25, 2018
Being active outdoors is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. After months of being trapped indoors due to the bitter temperatures of winter, many are flocking outdoors to bask in the sun. While it’s important to be outside, it’s also important to protect yourself from the sun before you head outdoors.
In the news recently, there has been a lot of information out there about sunscreen safety and it is not all reliable. The safety of sunscreen has recently been placed in the spotlight. Are sunscreens safe? Absolutely! The sun causes most skin cancers. That has been proven. In some cases, skin cancer can be deadly. Sunscreen has been proven to prevent skin cancer. Studies show that melanoma was reduced by 50 percent and squamous cell carcinomas by 40 percent in those who used sunscreen daily.
However, many critics are saying that the chemicals in sunscreen are causing more problems than the sun itself. Although individuals can have an allergy or sensitivity to sunscreen, a true allergy to the active ingredients is rare. Many of the ingredients in sunscreen are natural ingredients. Remember, poison ivy is natural and that still causes a reaction with the skin.
Protecting your skin is important from birth through end of life. When babies are brand new, they’re much more sensitive to sun exposure than adults and other children. However, the Skin Cancer Foundation recommends waiting until baby is six months old before introducing sunscreen. It’s important for everyone to wear protective clothing, seek shade and wear sunscreen when outdoors.
In 2012 when the most recent statistics were available, there were more than 5.4 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer treated in over 3.3 million people in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. The skin is the largest organ of the body and is the first line of defense for the rest of your organs. If you suspect or are concerned about a mole or skin lesion, see your healthcare provider or schedule an appointment at HRMC Physicians Clinic.
Now that summer has finally arrived, it’s important to protect yourself and your family from the sun. Take the necessary steps this summer to stay safe while enjoying the sun!
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